Our Community
The work we do extends beyond our student and into the wider community of our school. Here are some of the ways that our PTA helps the Churchill Community.
Churchill CARES
​The Churchill Cares committee is a part of the PTA and focuses on community outreach through a variety of programs. If you are interested in receiving occasional updates from Churchill Cares, including some simple ways you can help, please subscribe to the Churchill CARES mailing list here >>.
Teachers and Staff Appreciation Events
​In addition to the Teacher Appreciation Week in May, Churchill PTA organize several appreciation events throughout the school year to celebrate and thank our school staff.
You can help us with donations of food, decorations, drinks, as well as your time in set up and take down. Watch the email newsletters for further details, and email cares@churchillpta.org if you would like to help.
Teacher and Staff Gift Card Program
Twice a year, the Churchill PTA sponsors a Teachers and Staff Gift Card Program using GiftCrowd.
- Holiday gift cards in December
- End of School Year gift cards in May
GiftCrowd provides a simple way for families to show their appreciation and for recipients to receive a gift card of their choice. Once our GiftCrowd page goes live, we share the link in the email newsletter. Simply find the teacher or member of staff you wish to thank, donate towards their gift card, and write a heartfelt personal message for them to read. The recipient automatically receives their chosen gift card and the thank you notes on the last day.
Questions to giftcards@churchillpta.org
Sponsored Scholarships
Churchill PTA is proud to sponsor two community scholarships each year. One is the D41 scholarship through the PTA Council and the other is for a GBW graduate who attended Churchill Elementary School